About Me

Hi my name is Kym McWhirter and I'm a full-time potter living on Digby Neck in Nova Scotia. I specialize in functional pieces such as mugs and dinnerware. I started making pottery in 2002 when I was living in Moncton, New Brunswick, after taking a wheel throwing class and quickly realized that I wanted to spend more than just a couple of hours a week at a rented wheel, so I invested in a wheel and a small kiln and set up my first studio in my basement. Over the next 6 years I taught myself, through much trial and error how to become a better potter. By the end of that period I had several gift shops carrying my work on consignment and sold many mugs and bowls to friends and family. In 2008 I took a break from pottery and focused on my full-time job as a graphic designer for a software company and raising my two young children. Ten years later, after being laid off as my company downsized with my children all grown up and moved out, I chose to become a full-time potter rather than return to software design. Although it had been ten years since I had done any serious throwing it didn't take long for me to get back to where I was and with constant throwing my skills improved and continue to grow In 2019 my partner Andy and I purchased an old abandoned general store in Centreville, a beautiful spot half-way along Digby Neck. At the time of writing this, we're a year into the renovations and I'm finally able to start working again. The studio is still a work in progress but my kilns are hooked up and I'm able to sit at my wheel and throw, and occasionally when I lift my head and look out the window, I'm lucky enough to see a whale or two, or a fishing boat out in the Bay of Fundy.